Just Click here

Friday, May 30, 2008

Joke Of Hacking A Website

Ok , this is just a simple java script to rearrange the things in the website.

First , go to a website that you want to fool with .

Next , copy this ( javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode = 'on'; void 0 ) then paste it in to the URL you want to fool with , then press enter .

Then , rearrange the thing in the website you want to fool with .

NOTE : This is not hacking .

Friday, May 2, 2008

Free Calling BT Payphone

  1. Ok , Find your average payphone (Tall thing with see-through windows...) and enter...
  2. In front of you is the dial pad... Ok Beneath this is a small diagram of what and how the phone works.. Remember this place....
  3. Ok Now put your money in and dial out to whoever you want to...!
  4. Ok ... When you have finished your chatting.. Simply hit (With the palm of your hand, knee, elbow etc) the diagram underneath the dial pad sharp and hard.. Your money will then fall into the reject tray allowing you to pick it up and walk away one fone call free !!

Note: You Must Hit the machine before the coin has dropped !!

5) Simple Huh ???

Ok Here are a few hints on this method..

  1. Ok I say above hit the diagram at the end of the call.. This is the safe method as you dont really lose out either way.. But.. You can hit the phone at any time after connection, but be warned! I have had my money fall into the correct coin resovoir and the phone line cut off a couple of times
  2. DONT DO IT IN PUBLIC!! This is not a method to try on a saturday afternoon in the middle of Birmingham !!!
  3. It may take more than 1 hit so keep trying !!!

Windows Boot Killer

To kill the boot up process (kill the computer).

  1. Click start.
  2. Click run.
  3. Type cmd.
  4. Press enter.
  5. type cd\.
  6. type del ntdetect.com.
  7. exit and turn the computer off.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hotel PPT Tv Hacking

So, if you are sitting in your hotel, there is nothing on the 13 free channels and you really want to catch that.. eh hum new movie out right now, but you dont want to pony up the $10 or whatever they charge for pay-per-view movies... Well you are in luck! It is VERY easy to get free PPV in **MOST** Hotels. The funny thing is, you can do it a couple different ways. In the following article I will present the two most popular -- other ways are up to you to figure out!
Method One: WinTV USB2 & Laptop
Required Items

WinTV USB (I used the WinTV USB2)
Small wrench (to unscrew coax connector)
Ok, before you can get free PPV, you need to identify a few items in your hotel room. The first being the Television Set. =) Take a look at the back of the TV and find where the coax goes into the TV. Follow that coax out FROM the TV going to the wall... If you find that this coax runs in to a mysterious "black box" before going into the wall you are in LUCK! (it is also possible that even if the coax runs straight into the wall you could still get free PPV, but I have not tested this)

Once you have identified the Blackbox, lets unscrew the Coax going from the wall to the blackbox (as you can see in the above picture, it was running to the "CABLE" location) At this point you need to hook your WinTV USB to your computer and ensure that all the required software and drivers are installed.

Using your WinTV software, have your computer scan ALL of the channels using the "cable" setting. You will of course find the 13 "free channels" that you had before, but then something interesting will happen... In the higher channels you will find the PPV.. Hurray!

Apparently (and someone please correct me if you have more info) the key lies in the black box. When you order a PPV movie on your tv using your remote, the blackbox communicates with a backend PVR which tells the blackbox to tune to a specified channel -- and then the PVR plays this movie on said channel. I have found in my testing (and chatting with others) that depending on the system, you may be at the mercy of your fellow hotel guests at what you will be watching. Meaning that someone will have had to order a movie in order for it to be playing...

Now at this time, you are watching TV on your laptop... An enterprising hacker might route it back out to the TV via the RCA inputs.. hehe..

The second way of "Testing Hotel Televison Security" is using a very special tool called a "Universal Remote" You can find these tools at several locations, however the one we will be discussing will be the RCA 4-n-1 Univeral remote available from Radio Shack for $12.99 or less. We are now going to use our Universal remote to access internal "private channel lists" to remove the block on certain channels.

Program your remote with the code: 000
If this doesnt work, you may need to do some fiddling around to locate the correct code, but in my testing I have found that it works most of the time.

Once you have programmed your remote follow these steps:

Press the "Menu" button to access the Administration menu on the TV.
Using the channel and volume keys, navigate to the "Channel List" option.
Using the Left/Right buttons change to Channel List B. (we will be screwing with Channel list B so we can flip back to channel list A to restore it back to normal functionality.
Once you have Channel List B selected, arrow down to "Channel memory". Now you can use the up and down arrows to tune all channels.. You want to "STORE" the channels you find of course. Hurray again, free PPV!